
Thursday 10 May 2012

Hey Brother

For so many years it was just me and you. Everyday. All day.
We composed a school of two. We lived out adventures in the back yard. We read Narnia together and thought we were there. You wanted to fight foxes and I had to bring you reason. We tried to nurture a baby mouse with almonds and milk, but lost his life. We cried when our dog died. You always practiced your karate on me and knew my claustrophobic weakness. We laid down pillows and pretended we were surrounded by lava. We hid from moms clients, to get away from the chatter, and made a world in the garage with use us and our bunnies. You were always excited. You jumped around and found reason to punch everything you saw. You constantly asked me "Do you like me?" and "Are you my friend?" You followed me around and would yell from the top of the stairs if I was ever out of your sight.

You were my little brother.
You were my best friend.

As we got older you were always sensitive to when I hurt. You held me that Christmas Eve as we stood outside without coats and I cried.
I was so proud of you for standing up when I was too weak.
You opened up to me that night as we walked under the Lively stars and I treasured that connection that seemed so distant since those former imagination childhood days.

Can we pretend we are back there again?
Can we disappear to Narnia for one more night or a lava surrounded island?

Brother, I know we've grown and the days of exploring the haunted house near grandpas field are gone.
But, can we make up somewhere new, somewhere that never has to die?

A world of just us two, like when we were in a school of just me and you.
Want to?

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