
Thursday 8 November 2012

Radical, simplistic and sacrifical

I have decided to start a journey. One that is starting with the goal of a year, but one I hope will continue a lifetime. I decided to blog about it for two reasons. First: So I can look back on my growth and Second: So I may be held accountable to continue on in strength.

I decided to put this into action because a friend of mine is heading on a journey for the next eight months to destinations all over the world. She is exchanging her work in these different countries for shelter and food, among these different places is L'Arche. I couldn't help be a tad jealous.

I knew I needed to do something for myself over this next year. Something that would connect me with the Divine and allow me to live a radical, simplistic, and sacrificial lifestyle while still in this culture and society. Yes, I want to go out into the world, but God has me here and He has a work to do in me yet before that can happen. I don't want to waste the journey before the journey. 

"Love can forbear, and Love can forgive...but Love can never be reconciled to an unlovely object....He can never therefore be reconciled to your sin, because sin itself is incapable of being altered; but He may be reconciled to your person, because that may be restored." -Traherne 

God can still restore me. I will here admit I am guilty of sin; guilty of selfish consumption on a daily basis. I consume while a world of people go without. The world maybe ugly, but it is far too beautiful to ignore. Jesus makes it clear we must not ignore the world and the poor and continue life richly and selfishly.

So step by step I am taking away; it had become so clear to me that it is assuredly useless for an eternal being to be clinging to anything less than eternal. 

I have written out my priorities and some of the things I feel keep me from moving forward and I plan on blogging as I continually take away the useless and take hold of the eternal. 

My first goal is to not shop for 1 year. I have found I have mistaken the meaning of beauty over the years. 1 Peter 3:3-4 says; your beauty should not come from outward adnorment, such as elaborate hairstyles and the wearing of gold jewlery or fine clothes. Rather it should come from your inner self, the unfading beauty of a quiet and gentle spirit, which is of great worth in God's sight.

It seems so simple; but, I am going through my closet to give some away and I will not replace or buy anything new for 1 year. I have stopped following all the style pages on pinterest to help me not want an unneeded. 

So please feel free to comment along the way on this journey for more ideas on what I could sacrifice or what you have found fruitful to give up. I have a small list that I will begin implementing and feel free to join me, even if it is just in one area. I cant wait until the clutter is no more, so I may hear his voice.

In Acts 2, when people truly meet with God and ignore all else, an onlooker exclaims; Their hearts were hushed and subdued as astonishment filled their souls.

That is what I am searching for; astonishment.


  1. Carli, inspiring thoughts! Nice to hear that you have set a goal and have begun to pursue it. Starting with one step and moving forward makes keeping to the task easier than jumping in head first. Proud of your decisions and will like very much to hear more as you aspire to grow. Good for you! You will not regret doing this!
    Brenda B

  2. Don't give up deoderant... the baby doesn't necessarily have to go out with the bath water! Good journey to you... I am sure that you will discover many things about what is important to you and what you are called to... self denial is a beneficial pursuit... as you say, it thins the clutter... it allows you to see and hear more clearly.

  3. If you do this and really press into God I can assure you things in your life that aren't suppose to be there will stand out to you. Things like wrong attitudes, unloving thoughts, language, Bad movies, the list can go on, the things that take our heart from God are different for us all. If shoppeing is what takes your facous off of God, good for you.

  4. Carli! I love this. I want to join you in committing a year not-to-shop:) I really believe, God has given me everything I need and that sometimes, less IS more. -Bethany Albrecht
