This is not our home.
As our desires well up within and we cannot find the peace and fulfilment we so desperately search for the only conclusion is the this is not our home. That we were not made for the things we attach ourselves to in this world.
Jesus rarely answers the questions that are presented to him in the Bible. At least in the way we would see a question being answered, but that is because he was asked, what Henri Nouwen calls, "Questions from below." The things that consume our thoughts and time in this world do not have concern in the Truth of life. Jesus presents "answers from above." Bringing people back to Spirituality, back to eternity, back to home.
Home brings a sense of belonging. We are a part of something, a part of a family. A family that shares with us the things of our life; our interests, longings, pain, hope.
We want to belong and we want home because our humanity is conditioned to feel the severance of the fall. We get glimpses of connection here... Moments of God that make us desperate for more. Desperate to find home. It is difficult not to get caught up in the trivial of this life; yet, it is what keeps us farther from home and therefore from joy and contentment in the True.
We are all searching for home.
Every time we look to belong we look for home.
We just don't all realize that home is in Him.